Innocence (part 2)

“Take a seat.” The dark corner I had chosen was no longer working to my advantage. As the tension in my body began to release I squinted hard, trying to decipher who or what had spoken to me. “Come on boy, I said sit down.” The voice beckoning me from the dark was distinctly British […]

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Innocence (part 1)

The scene was horrific. I could see the dull glow of flames a mile away, making it even harder to advance. When I arrived at the accident all I could see was an array of twisted metal, shattered glass and of course the fire. I worked my way through the crowd, everyday people just wanting […]

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The Girl

I awoke, breathing heavily in a pool of my own sweat. This must be the twelfth night in a row, I’m wondering just how much more I can take. It was her again. Her blue eyes burning bright like twin sapphires, glazing very deeply into my own. This time was different though. We were not […]

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